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Mitigation Solution FAQ

  • Environmental regulations seek to balance economic considerations with the health of our planet. This in turn requires developers to implement ecological offsets to achieve a “no-net loss” of essential natural resources. With our portfolio of approved mitigation and conservation banks as well as strong stakeholder relationships, Magnolia is well positioned to help project developers achieve their compliance goals.

  • At its core, mitigation aims to balance the needs of economic development by ensuring our world’s natural resources are preserved. In the United States, project developers may be required by federal, state, or local law to address the unavoidable environmental impacts of their infrastructure. Mitigation is the process by which restoration and conservation occurs in order to offset these impacts. Magnolia engages in approved environmental projects to generate mitigation credits, and these credits are sold to developers needing to offset their unavoidable environmental impacts. By balancing economic growth with environmental stewardship, we promote a healthier and more sustainable approach to development.

  • Use this space to share reviews from customers about the products or services on offer.

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