Making the most of mitigation
Our mission is to create a more sustainable world by balancing economic growth with the preservation of our most valuable natural resources.
Leaders in environmental markets
By working collaboratively with private landowners and businesses across the country, we are pioneering a new era of environmental stewardship.
At Magnolia, we believe that environmental conservation and economic development can support one another. That’s why we work hard to restore, enhance, and conserve habitat in some of the country’s most sensitive and valuable ecosystems, funding our projects through the sale of ecological offsets.
In turn, we leverage the ecological gains generated by our projects to help businesses meet their environmental permitting and ESG objectives.
What are environmental markets?
Environmental markets are rooted in the idea that collaboration between private landowners and businesses can create positive environmental outcomes.
Environmental regulations, such as the Clean Water Act and the Endangered Species Act, ensure that private enterprises limit and compensate for the impacts of their business activities to valuable or at-risk resources and ecosystems. More recently, companies have begun integrating their own environmental responsibility goals into their business models as well. In order to meet environmental standards, businesses are increasingly turning to markets-based solutions to meet their compliance needs for key projects.
Environmental markets take a market-based approach to environmental conservation, leveraging private dollars and private lands to protect our world’s critical natural resources while allowing important development projects to take place.
Successful projects take time to build and involve coordination amongst several stakeholders. Magnolia communicates clearly and openly throughout every project, ensuring that our clients, landowner partners, and regulatory stakeholders stay informed from start to finish.
We understand that every landowner has a unique vision for their property and that every client comes to us with unique mitigation needs. We pride ourselves on being flexible, adaptable, and working collaboratively with our clients and partner landowners to develop conservation projects and mitigation solutions that fit their specific needs.
Environmental programs can suffer from major inefficiencies and bureaucratic lag. As a private organization, we cut through the red tape and emphasize efficiency at all stages of project execution.
Above all, we want to leave the world better than we found it. That means both minimizing disruption to your property for our partner landowners, and setting the highest standard for environmental stewardship and conservation for our clients.
Our Values
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Land Partnership
Magnolia partners with landowners to develop conservation projects on their property.
Conservation Project Approval
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, or other relevant agency, approves the conservation project for mitigation use.
Credit Transfer
Credits from the conservation project are transferred to project developers for mitigation use
Permit Granted
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, or other relevant agency, grants permit to developer to proceed with their project.
Long-term Stewardship
Magnolia manages the long-term success of the mitigation project and reinvests funds into new conservation efforts
How does mitigation work?
To help our customers achieve their environmental conservation objectives, Magnolia partners with private landowners to develop important conservation projects on their property in order to help developers offset their impacts to natural resources. The process by which restoration and/or conservation occurs to offset these impacts is called mitigation.
Magnolia engages in the ecological restoration, enhancement, and protection of critical lands to generate mitigation credits. These credits, or approved projects known as mitigation banks, are made available to developers needing to offset their unavoidable environmental impacts.
Magnolia, with its portfolio of approved mitigation banks and strong stakeholder relationships, is well positioned to help project developers achieve compliance while creating optimal outcomes for our natural resources.